(910) 949-2702 (office) / (910) 690-2059 (cell) macstreeservices247@yahoo.com

How Mac’s Tree Began

The story of our business goes all the way back to 1985 when Richard McCaskill started a tree service business dedicated to helping preserve and care for trees.

Richard originally called the business Mac’s Tree Works, but he then changed it to Mac’s Tree Service. Matthew, one of Richard’s sons, took an interest in the business. Matthew decided to become an advanced arborist and join this team. Matthew training was under a practitioner and former apprentice of the late Dr. Alex Shigo (the father of Modern Arboriculture) in Shigo’s philosphy and style of Arboriculture.

Learn more about Shigo here.

Ever since 1985, Mac’s Tree Service has valued efficiency, safety, and training. When someone joins our team, we make sure to train them in the best way possible, and we make sure they understand our mission of making the world a better place. Because our employees are truly a TEAM, we seek to hire the best so that our customers can always have the best! That is who we are and how we do business!